Friday, February 3, 2017

Pleasing People

This is how I think God* thinks about people:  we are pleasing.  We please because we are.  We live. Living is pleasing to God.

This is something that really came to light for me when a local team brought a youth home repair camp to our area.  Originally the target was set at 40 homes with 400 campers to work on them. Because it was the first week of August when a lot of youth turn their focus back to school we only had about 100 campers and therefore needed a quarter of the sites.

It turns out that the 11 homes that were repaired was the right number.  I don't know if the team could have found thirty more houses near enough to the host campsite.  That's because what we learned is that there are many organizations and people in our area already doing this work.  That is, there are lots of pleasing people everywhere.

If you are a person, you are pleasing to God.  So it's not just the people who repaired homes.  It's also the people who opened their homes for repair.  It's also the people and organizations who gave us their time, helped spread the word, gave donations, etc.  It's also everyone who wasn't even involved. It's people everywhere!
Now for the reflective questions which you can journal about or if you'd like to share your story, I'd love to hear from you and the community would love to hear from you!  Your comment could have a major impact on someone else; most likely it will be just the right thing at the right time for one of the readers. For me, God* wanted me to know that helping even just one person is wonderfully impactful.

Reflective questions:
1.  Do you feel you are pleasing to God*?

2.  What does God* want you to know about this (ask directly, God, what do you want me to know?)

* I use the term God as a universal term.  You may decide that Great Spirit, Allah, Higher Power, Sensibility, etc. better suits you today.  It is not for me to decide. 

Photo by MH


  1. I do believe I am pleasing to God. When I wake and I see light out my window telling me it is morning I feel his presents. God tells me it is another day that he his prepared for me and I say thank you. Because of that I try to make my goal for the day to use it how he would want me to. Even when I may not do it quite right I feel he is pleased because of my intent.

  2. Hi Marsha, thanks for your post! That's terrific that you believe you are pleasing to God. And I agree that we are pleasing even if we are critical of our own efforts. All the best, Marie
