Saturday, September 10, 2016

Why I Journal (Journaling = Vomiting)

I've had food poisoning a few times in my life and have learned a few things:  1.  Never use the tartar sauce on your walleye if it's been sitting out in the sun at a festival; 2.  You feel much better after you've spewed it from your body.

For me, although a crude description, journaling is like vomiting.  I just write everything that's on my mind and heart, usually first thing in the morning.  I write whatever comes to mind.  It usually consists of things I did the day before, how I am feeling at that moment, and the response I receive to "God*, what else do you want me to know?"  Sometimes it includes a dream or dreams I had the night before and what I think each dream might mean.

Why do I do it?  It allows me to check in with myself.  It makes me feel better. It makes room for the present day.  Don't believe me?  Just try it for a few weeks.  Don't beat yourself up if you don't do it one day or you don't get to it until right before bed, just do it.

The learning (i.e. unrefrigerated tartar sauce on a hot day spells trouble), comes in the looking back.  I don't have a specific formula for how often I look back but when I do I generally start with a three-month look back to see what my spirit has resolved and what I am still working on ("It's gold, Jerry!  Gold!") For me, looking back is part of the adventure.  It's amazing what I find out about myself and about the way God is working in my life.  With the next post I will give you an example.

And regarding the photo:  it's attached to an article about the value of sperm whale's vomit.  See  It's an interesting article, but I think my journaled vomit is worth a lot more.
Now for the reflective questions which you can journal about or if you'd like to share your story, I'd love to hear from you and the community would love to hear from you!  Your comment could have a major impact on someone else; most likely it will be just the right thing at the right time for one of the readers. For me, God* wanted me to know that helping even just one person is wonderfully impactful.

Reflective questions:

1.  If you were to "vomit" yesterday, what things would it include about your feelings, activities, dreams, etc?

2.  Do you want to learn about or from your own journey?  Why or why not?

3.  What does God* want you to know about this (ask directly, God, what do you want me to know?)

* I use the term God as a universal term.  You may decide that Great Spirit, Allah, Higher Power, etc. better suits you today.  It is not for me to decide.

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