Saturday, September 10, 2016

God Moments Discovered in the Looking Back

In the last post I said I'd share with you one of my own experiences in the value of looking back.  For me, it's about seeing how God is at work in my life. Often things start as a small seed and then a little seedling emerges while the roots are also setting up, and before you know it something noticeable has taken place.

On April 28 Grace H., a member of a Facebook Group I belong to, wrote, "This is my latest Zentangle drawing inspired by the May Birds & Blooms Extra cover."  It was a lovely piece of doodled artwork of a bird and flowers drawn with white paint or chalk on black paper.  It was really bold.  The image hooked me as did the word Zentangle.  I had never heard of it before so I googled it and learned that it's a method of creating beautiful images through structured patterns. Some of the artwork images that I found during the search were just breathtaking.

Shortly thereafter I was at Barnes and Noble at the clearance tables and I saw this boxed kit entitled Zentangle for Kids by Jane Marbaix.  I "knew" it was there for me so I bought it.  On June 11 I made my first Zentangle drawing, also a bird, inspired by a raven I had just seen in my backyard.  I was so tickled by the outcome that I did a lot of the pages in this workbook for kids!

Also in this kit was a book of suggested projects and I found one that I thought would be fun to do on vacation.  It's a seek and find board that is unique to an individual or in my case I used it with family to create two unique family boards (see the picture at the top).

But even bigger still than this specific example is the theme of creativity that has been running through my journals for months into years.  I see a path forming even though I don't know where it will lead.  But the looking back sure makes it exciting.
Now for the reflective questions which you can journal about or if you'd like to share your story, I'd love to hear from you and the community would love to hear from you!  Your comment could have a major impact on someone else; most likely it will be just the right thing at the right time for one of the readers. For me, God* wanted me to know that helping even just one person is wonderfully impactful.

Reflective questions:

1.  Is there a theme or a persistent thought that has been running through your life recently?  (If ;you journal, do a three-month lookback to see if any common themes emerge.)

2.  What does God* want you to know about this (ask directly, God, what do you want me to know?)

* I use the term God as a universal term.  You may decide that Great Spirit, Allah, Higher Power, etc. better suits you today.  It is not for me to decide.

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