Monday, April 25, 2016

God Why Did You Make Me….

Sometimes my imperfections make me crazy.  I mean CRAZY! 

A few weeks ago I was moving right along with my to-do list when I realized that the first trays of cookies in the oven weren’t going to taste good because I had erroneously put in baking powder instead of baking soda. Step one was to confirm my suspicions once the timer buzzed and yes, I was correct, not so tasty!  This is my go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe so I have probably made it at least 100 times before and it always comes out the same, except this time.

As a result of this, and many other similar types of situations, I find myself sometimes asking God why I am made the way that I am?  I always like His responses, they bring me peace in my fits of CRAZY.  Here are a couple examples.  God, why do I have OCD tendencies?  “Because to be you I need you to be organized.”  God, why do I rush to get things done and then I don’t do things exactly right?  “Because I need you to know that you don’t need to be perfect, because it is in these imperfect moments that you create.”

It always seems to boil down to “I don’t make junk.  I love you just the way you are.”  And about those chocolate chip cookies.  I didn’t need to throw that double batch away.  After I took a deep breath, shook out the CRAZY, I decided to experiment with the batter.  Turns out that adding a little bit of decorative salt more than halfway through the baking time saved the batch. 

Sometimes I feel like I was made from a defective batch of man, but then God tells me “I made you unique.”  Thank you God!

Reflective questions:

1. Do you have qualities that you dislike?  Are they ones God* is asking you to change or to accept?

2.  Ask God* what else do You want me to know? 

* I use the term God as a universal term.  You may decide that Great Spirit, Allah, Higher Power, etc. better suits you for today.  It is not for me to decide.

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