Sunday, June 26, 2016

Our Life in Fiction (Coincidence or God?)

I love to read and to gain an even better understanding of what I read by listening to other people's views.  So a book club to discuss books from the New York Times' Best Seller List was perfect for me.  But then I got skeptical.  Many of the books we were reading seemed to be a bit unrealistic.  There seemed to be too much drama in one person's life and the events and people that came in and out of the story seemed to hold too much coincidence.

But then I started to read nonfiction and have come to realize that those books of fiction did have some "truth" to them in that real lives can seem unbelievable at times.  For example, we have seen how one cataclysmic event can happen after another cataclysmic event for one of our friends or a family member.  We have probably said about our lives or other's lives, "What's the chance that that could happen the way it did?" or "What a coincidence that that keeps happening to me?"

Einstein said "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous."  To me, *God is a super "fiction" writer then, interweaving the right people, places and things into our lives at the right time!  How is it possible?

The thing is, life is a marvel.  We are so interconnected with the people around us, people we are in relationship with and even those we walk past who we don't know.  Chances are we know someone they know or we did have a chance encounter before or will in the future.  There are things that we do that impact others that we may never know the extent of the impact.  There are things that other people do that have an enormous impact on us and they may never know the extent of it.  Life is marvelously complicated that way, more so than fiction even!

Reflective questions: 
1.  What coincidences have occurred in your life recently?  Do you see *God in any of them?
2.  Is there a piece of your life that feels unreal?  Why?
3.  What does God* want you to know about this (ask directly, God what do you want me know)?

* I use the term God as a universal term.  You may decide that Great Spirit, Allah, Higher Power, etc. better suits you for today.  It is not for me to decide.

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